Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So the past ten days have been a bit of a whirlwind. We finally have our shopping online site up and ready to go for everyone who would like to supplement their horse with Cur-OST. All of the education and links are up on the website ready to help everyone understand what it is we've been talking about. The research is up and now there is even an article about the research and Cur-OST coming out in Thoroughbred Times!
Our purpose remains the same, to help everyone understand oxidative stress, how it comes to be and how we can overcome it. Everything we need to be healthy has been provided for us on earth, we just have to find it and use it the way it was intended. There are so many substances in the world that cause free radicals to prevail in our bodies, we must combat them with the antioxidants just as heavily.
At least with Cur-OST, we're able to supplement the horses with all natural ingredients and with no side effects. Our horses love it and look forward to it every morning and they feel great! Look for us online at www.nouvelleveterinary.com or www.cur-ost.com.
See the information for yourself. You will be amazed.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What do we really want?

Today, I'm getting up on a soapbox for a minute. I observe myself and other people in the way that we behave and treat our own bodies. My question is, do we really care about ourselves? Let's look at some of the nasty habits we've developed over time. Some of us drink too much, or smoke, or even eat too much. Look at the obesity rate in the US alone. It's incredible when you think about it, how we are racing towards an early grave it seems without a care in the world. Fast food, sugary foods, sodas, fried foods, and lots of candy! That's just in the dietary category alone. When you couple that with the lack of true exercise or activity, we become obese very quickly.
So my question is, what are we truly interested in? If we want to stay healthy, shouldn't we practice staying healthy by eating properly and treating our bodies right? You know all this talk about oxidative stress is brought about because of how we treat our bodies. We treat our bodies poorly when you think of it. Some of us eat too much and some of us don't eat at all simply for the sake of looking "good". So if we are mistreating our bodies, aren't we asking for more occurances of injury or illness? How can we combat all of the negative influences in the world if we are unable to make the right choices for our own benefit?
What's even more amazing is that we rely on pharmaceutical companies to create remedies for our ailments simply because we are too lazy to prevent them. Then we complain about all of the side effects that these remedies come with when in fact the earth has a remedy for every ailment known and unknown to man if we would just use our intelligence to find them and implement them. While the pharmaceutical companies are making more money off of our illnesses, we continue to suffer because of our own ignorance and laziness.
So the final question is, who's to blame? If we don't educate ourselves on the proper way to take care of our bodies, we can't be expected to care for our animals' bodies properly also. That's why we are here. We intend to research and educate as much as possible so everyone has a chance to change their lives for the better. www.nouvelleveterinary.com