Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Testimonial

We continue to get new testimonials in on weekly basis with improvement in a variety of equine as well as companion animal conditions. In many cases, these patients have been on long term administration of potentially dangerous NSAID medications such as phenylbutazone in horses. These medications are effective in many cases in terms of reducing the pain associated with the conditions, but are only approaching the inflammation from a single viewpoint and that is COX reduction. Given this "all or nothing" approach, the side effects can be endless ranging from gastric ulceration to kidney disease. The testimonial below is from one of our sponsored eventers, Cassidy Sitton. She normally uses our Cur-OST Plus product in her competition horses with great results, however, she decided to use the product on an older and retired competitor recently.

"My old retired man, Ted, who was an Olympic alternate for Ireland and the World Games, has been going through a pretty rough time with laminitis/cushing's disease and other problems. We've all been really worried about him. He's been on 4 grams of bute a day and has been having some good times and bad times. Well, on a whim, I put him on the Cur-OST Plus product and notice IMMENSE improvement. I've been able to decrease his bute to 2 grams per day and will continue to wean him down. The change has been remarkable. Thank you !!"

Thank you, Cassidy !

Tom Schell, D.V.M.

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